
The 14th Guangzhou International Grain and Oil Machinery and Packaging Equipment Exhibition 2025

12-14 June 2025

China Import and Export Fair Complex

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2021 high oleic acid oil quality and nutrition Seminar

Time: 2021-10-05

Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid. It can not only reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and cardiovascular disease, but also has better antioxidant stability compared with polyunsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, it is called "safe fatty acid". In recent years, the sales volume of various kinds of high oleic acid oil products in the oil market has been increasing, which has attracted extensive attention in the industry. In order to further explore the quality and nutritional value of high oleic oil, the 2021 high oleic oil quality and nutrition seminar hosted by the oil branch of China Grain and oil society was held at the exhibition site.

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